Be in Agreement and Keep in Touch Crossword Clue
If you are a crossword enthusiast, chances are you have come across the clue “be in agreement and keep in touch” or a variation of it at some point. It may seem like a tough one to crack, but with a little knowledge of crossword constructs and some SEO tricks, you can solve it in no time.
The first step to solving this clue is to examine its structure. Crossword clues are often divided into two parts: the definition and the wordplay. The definition is usually a straightforward hint at the answer, while the wordplay is a more convoluted way of hinting at the same answer. In this case, “be in agreement and keep in touch” is the wordplay, which means that it is a cryptic clue that requires a little decoding.
To decode the clue, you need to know a few crossword constructs. The first is that “be in agreement” is a synonym for “match,” which means that the answer to the clue is a word that means “match.” The second is that “keep in touch” is a synonym for “contact,” which means that the answer to the clue is a word that means “contact.”
With these constructs in mind, you can start working on the answer. A word that means “match” and “contact” at the same time is “touch base.” This phrase means to make contact with someone or to keep in touch with them. “Touch base” is also a phrase that is commonly used in business and sports settings, which makes it a popular crossword answer.
Now that you know the answer to the clue, you can optimize your article for SEO by using relevant keywords and phrases. For example, you can use the phrase “be in agreement and keep in touch” as a subheading in your article, and use it as a keyword throughout the text. You can also use variations of the phrase, such as “match and contact” or “touch base,” to make your article more SEO-friendly.
In summary, solving the “be in agreement and keep in touch” crossword clue requires knowledge of crossword constructs and a little decoding. By using the phrase “touch base” as the answer, you can optimize your article for SEO by using relevant keywords and phrases. So next time you come across this clue in a crossword puzzle, you`ll know exactly what to do!