Yorkshire Water Retrospective Build over Agreement

Yorkshire Water Retrospective Build Over Agreement: A Guide for Property Owners

If you`re a property owner in Yorkshire, UK, it`s essential to know about the Yorkshire Water Retrospective Build Over Agreement. This agreement is required if a structure or landscaping feature has been built over or near a Yorkshire Water asset. By signing this agreement, you can avoid any legal issues that may arise from the build-over.

What is a Yorkshire Water Asset?

Yorkshire Water is responsible for the management and maintenance of the water and sewage infrastructure in Yorkshire. The term “asset” refers to any part of this infrastructure, including water mains, sewers, and pumping stations.

When is a Build Over Agreement Required?

A build-over agreement is required when a property owner wants to build over or near a Yorkshire Water asset. This applies to both residential and commercial properties. Some examples of structures or features that may require a build-over agreement include:

– Extensions to existing buildings

– New buildings

– Garden walls

– Patios and driveways

– Landscaping features such as ponds or raised beds

Why is a Build Over Agreement Necessary?

If a structure is built over a Yorkshire Water asset without permission, it can cause damage to the infrastructure. This damage can result in contamination of the water supply or sewage overflow, which can have severe consequences. In addition to the physical damage, the property owner may be held liable for any resulting costs.

How to Obtain a Retrospective Build Over Agreement

If you have already built over a Yorkshire Water asset without obtaining permission, you can still apply for a retrospective build-over agreement. To do this, you will need to contact Yorkshire Water and request an application form.

The application will require you to provide detailed information about the build-over, including the location, size, and materials used. You may also need to provide photographs and plans of the structure or feature.

Once the application has been submitted, Yorkshire Water will assess the risk to their infrastructure and inform you of any conditions that must be met. If the application is approved, you will need to pay a fee, which varies depending on the size and complexity of the build-over.


The Yorkshire Water Retrospective Build Over Agreement is an essential legal requirement for any property owner in Yorkshire who has built over or near a Yorkshire Water asset. By obtaining this agreement, you can avoid any legal issues that may arise from the build-over and ensure the safety and integrity of the water and sewage infrastructure. If you have already built over a Yorkshire Water asset without permission, contact Yorkshire Water to request a retrospective build-over agreement.